Stroke Risk Assessment

Stroke Risk Assessment

Your risk level is: High

Your answers to these questions indicate that you are at a high risk for a stroke. We strongly recommend making an appointment today with your healthcare provider to ask about how you can prevent a stroke from happening to you. If you need to find a provider, please visit

This is only a tool to assess your stroke risk. This tool is not designed to diagnose if or when you could have a stroke

Your risk level is: Intermediate

Your answers to these questions indicate that you are at some risk for a stroke. Please contact your healthcare provider to ask about how you can prevent a stroke from happening to you. If you need to find a provider, please visit

This is only a tool to assess your stroke risk. This tool is not designed to diagnose if or when you could have a stroke

Your risk level is: Low

Your answers to these questions indicate that you are at low risk of a stroke. However, please know as your health changes, your risk of stroke may increase. Contact your healthcare provider to ask about how you can prevent a stroke from happening to you. If you need to find a provider, please visit

This is only a tool to assess your stroke risk. This tool is not designed to diagnose if or when you could have a stroke

This simple questionnaire can help you determine if you might be at risk for a stroke.

Upon submission of the form, your result will indicate if you should seek additional medical advice from your physician.

What is your blood pressure?

Do you experience an irregular heartbeat?

Are you a smoker?

What is your cholesterol level?

Do you have diabetes?

Are you physically active?

What is your weight?

Does your family have a history of strokes?